Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Ellie. My anxious worrier. She came home from a sleepover at Taylor's on Sunday and showed me the bug bite on the back of her leg. She had showed it to me earlier in the week...no biggie. Apparently it had been bothering/itching her, and Taylor gave her a bandage.

At some point, she showed it to Eric, who said that it might be a spider bite. Exactly the wrong thing to say to Ellie. She's worried, weepy...

Lauren, always the empathetic one, decides to share her empathy with Ellie through song:

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up Ellie's leg,
and now she's going to DIE, DIE, DIE!!!!!

I'm not sure if it all dissolved into punches being thrown at that point, but there were definitely more tears.

If only I could somehow harness that which is Lauren into something good...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Oh, Erin...what am I in for??

It's been a while since my last post...I need to do better with this since this is my link to the laughter my children bring to me.

Yesterday, I went to pick up #2 and #3 at school. Erin likes to run ahead of me on her way to the door, and yesterday, she actually pushed the door open. I brought her back inside and explained how that wasn't OK, she can't go out by herself because that's not safe, etc. No problem, although I was trying to contain my smiles as I talked to her because she's just so stinkin' cute! (I swear I'd have 10 kids if they came out when they were almost 3...) So then, Ms. Mary, the sweetest lady you'd ever want to meet -- she sits at the front desk -- comes over to tell Erin she's can't go outside without a grownup, not safe, etc. Erin turns on the waterworks and starts bawling her eyes out. She's just like Ellie like that...very sensitive. (Lauren...not so much.) We drive home, she's still upset for part of the way, but gets over it.

So last night at dinner, this was part of the conversation:

Me: "So Erin, did you tell Daddy what happened at school today?"
Erin: "What?"
Me: "About how you went outside...without a grownup?"
Erin: "No."
Me: "Are you going to tell Daddy?"

(drumroll please...)

Erin: "Leave me alone, Mom. Leave me alone, Dad."

Not even 3, and she's telling us to leave her alone. Oy.