Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Got souls? I think not...

Driving #2 and #3 home from school the other day, and Lauren says, "Mom, guess what happened at school today? It was really bad."

I guessed that one of her teachers was leaving, and she said in a very chipper voice, "Nope. Murray our guinea pig died."

I said, "Oh Lauren, I'm sorry. That's really sad."

"Oh, don't worry Mom. It's OK. We're getting a new bunny!" She was completely thrilled with the idea and didn't seem to be the least bit affected by Murray's death. She then said, "Today, at hug circle, when our teachers told us, Erin was yelling, "Murray's dead! Murray's dead!" over and over.

I was trying to contain my laughter at this point. We come home, Ellie gets off the bus and Lauren (in her chipper voice) tells Ellie that Murray died and how they're getting a new bunny. Ellie is instantly sad..."I loved Murray. Awwww...he died?"

Lauren is looking at Ellie like, "What the hell is wrong with you?" then proceeds to say something like, "I mean, what's the big deal, Ellie? Everything dies."

Oh Lauren...

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